Seven (7) Perfect Ways To Lose Stomach Fat and Achieve A Flat Belly | Romanticseason
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Seven (7) Perfect Ways To Lose Stomach Fat and Achieve A Flat Belly

A flat belly is the goal of many women. It is one of the most challenging trouble spots on the body andcan leave even the most diligent fitness buff frazzled. To make matters worse, factors unrelated to fitness can affect the size and shape of your belly.
Certain times a month you might experience belly bloat or your body might respond to certain foods by puffing out your mid-section.

This is why it is so important to use a combination of methods to burn belly fat and achieve the flat and toned belly look you crave. Hundreds of crunches, alone, won’t do the trick if you’re not following a belly fat plan. These eight ways to lose belly fat will help you achieve the look you want and make it possible to enjoy mid-riff bearing clothes and a slimtight tummy. Achieving a flat belly is possible at any stage in life.

1.Work That Tummy:
First, you should include flat belly exercises in your workout routine. Sit-ups and crunches are the first to come to mind, but there are plenty of other great options that target the abdominal muscles and prevent boring workouts. Our Flat Belly Workout includes planks, scissor kicks, v-ups, and other
exercises that help flatten the belly.
2. Drink Plenty of Water to Prevent Bloating:
Sometimes belly bloat is not about fat. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water every day to flush the system and prevent bloat. Drink approximately 2.2 litters of water each day. Start by having one glass of water, first thing in the morning. By drinking water just before meals, you are less likely to overeat and stick to a portion control plan.

3. Avoid Certain Foods:
No matter how healthy your diet, there are some foods that trigger belly bloat. If you want a flatter belly now, nix them from your menu. In order to achieve a flat belly, avoid the following foods when possible:
 Deep Fried foods.
– Breaded foods.
– Pastries.
– Candy.
– Ice Cream.
– Refined sugar and foods that contain it.
– White flour and foods that contain it.
– All artificial sweeteners, Splenda, Equal, etc.
– Alcohol, save for special occasions.
– Boxed, processed foods.

4. Include Certain Foods:
As you are eliminating bloat-producing foods, add in some that help your belly flattening efforts. Here are 6 examples of Flat Belly Foods:
– Apples.
– Non-fat Greek Yogurt.
– Mushrooms.
– Nut-Butters.
– Spinach.
– Legumes.

5. Eat Enough:
Those who want a flat belly might be tempted to cut calories further and further until they achieve the desired results. This is a mistake. Make sure you are getting enough to eat, so your metabolism does not come to a crawl.
6. Journal Your Food Intake:
Writing down what you eat helps you keep your diet in check. It allows you to see if you are eating too much or too little and it helps you make smart decisions about your food choices. Keeping a food journal is a great way to track your daily food intake.
7. Eat Clean:
Eating clean is simple and healthy and it makes a small belly possible. Not only are you improving your overall healthy, you will get the physique you want.


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