Four(4) Love Destroyers People Often Overlook In A Relationship | Romanticseason
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Four(4) Love Destroyers People Often Overlook In A Relationship

We all know one or the other about relationships, we all have an idea of what to do and not what to do in a relationship,
how to make a relationship work, we know that relationship buzzwords are intimacy, trust, attention, care, surprises, amazing s3x etc.
The list is quite endless as many people get ticked by several different things in their relationship but some of those attributes and requirements often get overlooked or forgotten when people are listing requirements for a healthy relationship.
“Funny thing is that these things, just like all the other obvious ones play a part in what the relationship feels like, and what the eventual outcome will be.
Below are 4 love destroyers that people often overlook in a relationship.

1. Disrespect:
Respect has been the strongest bond holding
them together and what often triggers hurt or anger is disrespect when there’s mutual respect, couples have a firm foundation upon which they can stand and weather any storm
that may face their relationship.

2. Being too uptight:
Take note that engaging in serious play and rough play, sometimes with each other is one of the best ways to secure the bond between partners, serious conversations about goals and where you intend to be in the next years, or reminiscing about your past, childhood together are not the only ways to do that.

3. Lack of validation:
It is often frustrating when a partner does not make the effort to understand what the other is saying, you necessarily do not have to agree with everything your partner says, what is wrong is when you actually do not make any effort to understand the opinion your partner is trying to express;
Your partner deserves your validation, as it makes no sense when you shut their opinions or ideas without even trying to see the merit there, you do not need to agree, but you can do is at least try to get it.

4. No space:
No one like to feel "boxed in" in a relationship, That you are a couple does not change the fact that you both are still individuals with separate lives, interests, and responsibilities outside the relationship and if ignored, this is one aspect of relationships that could eventually snuff life out of what you both are trying to build so give your partner the space to breathe, let them be able to see their friends, do the things they were doing before they met you, they do not have to be around you all the time as you both need to maintain your own identity.


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