Six(6) Healthy Reasons Why You Should Masturbate, Both Male and Female | Romanticseason
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Six(6) Healthy Reasons Why You Should Masturbate, Both Male and Female

A little self-love could be the cure to what ails you. Learn how māsturbätion can help your health today.
When you think of s3xual satisfaction, you probably think of being happily coupled. But not every aspect of your sexual life requires a partner. Mästurbātion, a generally solo experience, isn’t just for teenage boys or girls.
‘ Self-love’ is an important part of a healthy sëxual life and it’s also good for you.
Check out Some healthy reasons why you should Mâstúrbäte below:

1. Mãsturbätion relieves stress:
If stress is starting to pile up, it might be smart to take a time-out. Mâsturbtion allows you to focus on one thing, Golden says, which can help you relax. “As we think about s*x in any form, dopamine, a chemical released by the brain that gives us a sense of pleasure, is released,”. “As we engage in
s*xual activity, another chemical, endorphins, is released. Endorphins give us a sense of well-being.”
Just be careful not to rely on másturbàtion as an escape from stress, because it’s through that reliance that an addiction can form.

2. Másturbàtion eases menstrual cramps:
That particular time of the month is not usually associated with feeling good, but masturbation can actually help make the worst of it more endurable.
“The strength and intensity of an orgäsm can relieve cramps ,” says Golden. “And the hormones released during séxual excitement can also help.” But remember that it’s not necessarily the same for everyone. “Sometimes the muscle contractions can also intensify the cramping feeling,”
Experiment, listen to your body and do what feels right for you.

3. Másturbàtion puts you in touch with your sêxuality:
If you’ve never understood why everyone makes such a big deal about s*x, this might be a good place to start. “S*x therapists strongly recommend that women who have not had an orgasm begin by pleasuring themselves. “This puts them in touch with the genital pleasure that they like.” The
safe, controlled situation allows women to determine not only what they enjoy, but also what they may have feared.

4. Måsturbätion can help you achieve orgasm during intercourse:
If you find it difficult to achieve sëxual satisfaction with a partner, you should first work on finding it on your own. “ Regular másturbàtion will teach you how your body responds séxually ,”. Being able to communicate your findings to a partner will allow him or her to please you in the way that works for you.

5. Måsturbätion keeps your motor running:
 In order to be able to function sëxually we need a supply of nitric oxide in our blood. Sëxual activity in any form maintains levels of this chemical.
A prolonged dry spell can make it more difficult to achieve er3ctions or lubrication. But if it’s been a while, fear not!, It is possible, with some time, to promote this chemical again and restore functioning.

6. Māstürbâtion can help with insomnia:
If you find yourself stuck in bed watching the late night hours slowly become the early morning, it could be time to try a new sleep aid. “Just as people fall into a deep sleep after s*x with a partner, because blood pressure is lowered and relaxation is increased through the release of endorphins, mãsturbátion is a good sleeping pill . It is relied on by many as a nightly occurrence.Well, there’s no denying that it sounds more appealing than a glass of warm milk. Sweet dreams.


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